Thursday, September 13, 2007

Who invited Fran?

Austen came in Monday and he needed to be finished fast. That's what he said, anyway. I think he meant he had errands to run so he needed to finish the workout fast. Of course, I took that to mean he needed the workout to finish him fast. It did. He did. All good. Fran.

The minute you hear the name 'Fran' you know that the fear and anxiety created by that workout will take longer to get over than the workout itself. I'm currently contemplating a sub four Fran which would mean shaving off a meager 2 seconds from my current time. Two seconds is roughly how long it would take to punch me hard in the gut and it would feel about the same.

Let's look at a number of ways to get acquainted with Fran:

W/O1 - When Martin Calls Me Names

250m Row

9 Thrusters - heavy

9 Pull-ups or hanging rows
5 Rounds

21 Front Squats
21 Push Presses
21 Sit-ups
3 Rounds

W/O3 - Fractured Fran v1 (from
9 Thrusters
9 Pull-ups
5 Rounds

W/O4 - Fractured Fran v2 (from
5 Thrusters
5 Pull-ups
9 Rounds

W/O5 - Upside Down Fran

5 Thrusters every minute on the minute for twenty minutes

7 Front Squats
7 Push Presses
7 Thrusters
7 Pull-ups
7 Rounds

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